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Case Study on Talent Aquisition

ABSTRACT : The startup environment along with the boom of ecommerce, has given rise to a rush for hiring highly skilled technical talent in the market. The market is now filled with a certain pool of candidates who want to cash in on the buzz, a decade ago falsifying information either in their resumes, pays lips or work experiences was common grounds for Organisations to reject them, but now the parameters for back ground verification have got a complete make over which includes drug tests, police verification etc.

Companies are compelled to comply with various norms and bodies to receive projects from overseas clients and not to mention that they need to adhere to client set requirements of the hiring process which gets signed in their master services agreements, non-adherence to the set SLA’s would mean losing millions of dollars of revenue. While this is one end of the story, the other end is that companies want to hire the best talent but will not compromise or under play the importance they are currently providing to Back ground verification checks. Instead they are working on making the selection process more agile and re-working the steps if required. Practitioners, students wanting to learn & understand the New Trends in the Recruitment and Selection process in Human Resources with specific interests to understand the Back-ground verification process will benefit from this case study along with how recruitment managers are dealing with this risk and re-working their entire

standard operation procedures

Keywords-- Back ground Verification, Recruitment, Selection, Talent Acquisition.

Talent Selection (Case Study) Srihari.S1, Dr. Suman Pathak2

1Research Scholar, School of Management, CMR University, Bangalore, INDIA

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