Leadership balances the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dimensions of a personality. In some leaders one dimension predominates, while others exhibit a balance of two or three dimensions. The CQ of a team or an entire organization is a compilation of the individual CQs of its members. Groups function better if they understand their CQs both quantitatively and qualitatively. INTRODUCTION:WHAT IS CHANGE INTELLIGENCE?Thousands of hours of research and hundreds of books published on the subject of organizational change have failed to improve the success rate for major change programs. Whether a corporate restructure, a merger, a new product launch, or other program that demands rethinking and reworking, the success rate still falls below 30 percent. To improve this woeful statistic, leaders need to better understand how they approach change themselves. The Change Intelligence (CQ) system provides a tool for self-assessment. Using it, a leader can find out how they balance the “Heart, Head, and Hands” components: * Leaders who lead from the Heart connect with people emotionally * Leaders who lead from the Head connect with people cognitively. * Leaders who lead from the Hands connect with people behaviorally. No one type is ideal, but all leaders can succeed once they understand themselves clearly. People perceive change as a threat, something to be feared, not unlike death. The phases of human reaction to change are:
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