When instructors project a positive image about themselves and the training program, the probability of a successful event increases. To make a positive first impression, Lucas recommends dressing professionally, preparing mentally for success, acting as an expert, preparing a biography, anticipating ways to re-engage participants’ attention, expecting the unexpected, being ready when participants arrive, and projecting confidence.
Instructors who have a positive attitude display seven behaviors: (1) they assume responsibility for successful outcomes, (2) they are willing to help, (3) they ask thought-provoking questions, (4) they display humor appropriately, (5) they have an approachable style, (6) they share stories with participants, and (7) they use positive communication skills.
Trainers should have a positive attitude, but just as importantly, they should develop a positive atmosphere in the classroom by keeping training materials organized and using an organized approach to the session. In addition, good instructors appeal to learners’ senses and multiple intelligences. They use only that content that adds value. They strive to make the learning environment fun and colorful.
To end a course on a positive note, Lucas suggests the following:
Encouraging learners to engage in continued peer support.
Using music to create a festive conclusion.
Using puppets to recap and review.
Throwing a party.
Rewarding learners with prizes for the most creative, most helpful, or most knowledgeable.
Incorporating a humorous video.