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Passion for your Dream

The Passion Question requires people to answer whether their dream is compelling enough to follow it through to its realization. Passion is a unique aspect of dreams. It is not all that is needed to achieve a dream, yet if a person does not have enough passion he or she may not have sufficient energy and motivation to achieve a dream in the end. The path to a dream usually includes detours and obstacles. Passion ensures that people to keep their dreams alive and overcome adversity. It also enables individuals to move outside their comfort zone to advance their dreams. Passion sets people up to succeed.

Maxwell offers four ways that individuals can generate more passion for their dreams:

1. Acknowledge natural temperament. Not everyone is highly passionate. Understanding and accepting personality traits can be helpful as people assess the passion they have for their dreams.

2. Keep focused on what is important. It is easier to remain passionate about a dream if an individual remembers what is important and why the dream seemed compelling in the first place.

3. Overcome the fear of being different from others. It is not possible to achieve a dream and still be part of the crowd. To live an extraordinary life, it is necessary to follow passion and not worry about others’ opinions.

4. Resist the apathy that comes with aging. Although children are passionate by nature, most people lose their passion for life as they get older. It is important not to become apathetic, no matter what difficulties have arisen in life

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