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Anubha Walia during her insightful talk with ISTD Trainers Fraternity


A study revealed that there is a 240 percent higher chance of an employee quitting a job with inadequate training programs than an employee quitting a job that has well-respected training programs in place.

Employee turnover is very costly to employers. Replacing an employee who makes over $60,000 a year will cost a company more than $38,000 in the long run. The average cost of training is $2,000 per employee, per year. Even if that is doubled, it is much less costly than the cost of employee turnover that occurs when training is not offered. There are intangible benefits to additional training as well. Well-trained staff are more productive, efficient, and generally happier.

A four-step method works very well when training front-line employees:

  1. “Instructor does, instructor explains.”

  2. “Instructor does, student explains.”

  3. “Student does, instructor explains.”

  4. “Student does, student explains, instructor evaluates.”

When designing training programs, team leaders and managers should analyze the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of their trainees. In the design phase, they should take that analysis and create learning objectives that address the issues. In the development stage, the instructor determines how best to present the training. The implementation step is next, and this is where the instructor actually conducts the training. Last but not least, the instructor should evaluate whether or not objectives were met and materials were used correctly.

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