A variety of time management techniques that can be used by people in different professional roles, as well as at home.
Leadership Session with Service Sector by Anubha
1. Link time management to life goals. Clear goals create a sense of urgency that motivates people to accomplish more in less time.
2. Establish a time management system. This includes prioritizing goals and using techniques like time blocking, organization, and electronic tools to manage one’s time.
3. Handle time management challenges. Strive to avoid interruptions and to overcome procrastination. Consider using Zeller’s six step system for faster decision-making.
4. Work more efficiently with others. When organizing or attending meetings, prepare in advance. Determine how much time to spend meeting with customers and prospects, based on their potential return.
5. Recognize job specific time management challenges. Different types of employees face unique challenges related to time management. This includes administrative staff, sales people, business owners, and executives.
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